

Mirror is one of our Solution Partners who have chosen to build e-commerce solutions using Norce as the e-commerce engine.

Mirror delivers digital solutions to companies and organisations that want to simplify and improve their working day. They challenge established ways of working with a curious mindset and are dedicated to seeking solutions for the actual challenge.

The company has its roots in northern Sweden, with offices in Kalix and Luleå, but Mirror has the whole of Sweden as part of its field of work. They help companies and organisations to digitalise and innovate in their working day. They do this with in-house developed products and standard platforms as well as qualified consulting services adapted to the needs of their customers.

The range of products and services includes business development, system development, digital communication and marketing, cloud services, infrastructure and security solutions. Mirror offers help throughout the chain, from needs analysis to management and support.

The customer base is broad and includes government authorities, municipalities, companies and organisations.