Norce Commerce - strengthens your B2C sales

Accelerating Digital Commerce


For you with high demands on digital B2C sales

Norce Commerce is a powerful SaaS platform for digital B2C sales. Our cloud-based platform offers a stable base for growth and internationalization; for businesses with high demands on their operations. Many purpose-built adaptors for other business systems, and well-developed functionality, make quick “Time-to-live” possible.


Play before a global audience

A major enabler of the ability to expand globally is that of regional adaptation. With Norce Commerce, your brand has all the prerequisites to succeed. This is thanks to incredibly flexible channel management, in Norce merchant center; where you can customize everything from inventory, to language, to currencies, VAT, and much more.

Harmonized user experience in all channels

The customer must have the ability to move seamlessly between different channels; during their purchase journey. They must have the possibility of starting a purchase in any channel, and conclude it in any channel. With Norce, you as e-merchant, you can design a harmonized experience for the customer journey; with various touch points, over many channels.


Assemble your it landscape with the market's strongest components

You can hand-pick components as new needs, initiatives, and business requirements arise. Norce provides ready-built integration adaptors to the market's leading systems.

Create a pixel-perfect and convertion-generating user experience

Norce Commerce is “headless”; which gives you great freedom and flexibility, in choosing a CMS, and in the design of the presentation layer. Modern APIs also provides for ultra-fast charging times.


Global performance in absolute focus

Norce's system operations environment has been carefully constructed; with accessibilty and performance in absolute focus. It is built from the ground up; for unlimited and distributed scaling, through the use of event-based micro-services.

B2C Functionality

Norce Commerce has well-developed functionality; for e-merchants that targets B2C. The platform is adapted for process automation; but also offers a modern and easy-to-use administration interface.


Markets & brands

Norce Commerce has a solid structure for setting up and managing multiple markets and sales under different brands; accessing the same “master” product catalog, if desired.

PIM & availability

Norce PIM supports everything you need to enrich your product catalog, in the best possible manner. The platform has a robust PIM structure; for managing product information, and product relationships. This allows you to easily choose whether you want to populate product information, on the platform; or whether you want to load it from other systems, via periodical imports.

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Norce Commerce has a very powerful pricing engine for the most demanding implementations, and with good support for business sales. The platform also has a flexible promotion tool, where you can create campaign rules for most needs.

Shipping and delivery calculations

Norce Commerce includes an advanced administrative framework for calculating shipping costs.


Norce Commerce is Headless. It works with your current CMS, and can be easily connected to different interfaces.

Composable Commerce

Norce Commerce is built, using the development digital framework strategy Composable Commerce which enables you to combine different functions, and tailor your e-commerce solution to your unique business needs.

True SaaS

Norce Commerce is a True SaaS. You get a scalable solution; with high access, current upgrades, and a license fee structure based on utilization rates.


Norce Commerce is API-based. It enables well thought-out integration with your current system landscape, and external business systems; and allows you to provide product data to retail merchants.

Digital Commerce

We know digital commerce! We have solid industry knowledge, and many years of experience in designing system solutions for successful e-commerce for B2C.