
Monolithic versus Composable Commerce

Composable Commerce is a development strategy on which we have built our commerce platform. In this blog post, our CEO Niclas Heurlin compares monolithic e-commerce platforms and those built on an open architecture.

In a previous blog, I wrote that we are never alone in an e-commerce solution. We have based our entire development strategy on an open architecture. As digital commerce platforms become increasingly modularized, the Gartner Group, among others, has highlighted the benefits of leaving traditional monolith solutions in favor of solutions based on composable strategies.

Composable Commerce gives you freedom

Traditional monolith e-commerce platforms come with ready-made features. Features that may not be exactly what your customer needs. When additional features are developed, the ready-made becomes foreign components that might load and slow down the system and require constant monitoring during, for example, updates.

The strength of using Composable Commerce is to be able to freely choose and combine different features and package it in a way that is tailored to the unique business needs. The ability to make the features look and perform as you wish and work as part of the platform is an invaluable advantage. You are not limited to what “can” be done.

Composable Commerce gives you peace of mind

Monolith e-commerce platforms often come with ready-made user interfaces and you have no control over the optimal user experience. Features such as product, pricing and order management are interlinked and can not work independently, hence it becomes difficult to replace or add services. Nor can you be sure that the solution will last over time if there is no possibility of automatic updates through cloud services.

With Composable Commerce, you have full control, because the business logic is separated from the user interface. In other words, you can build an omnichannel solution in a sustainable and future-proof way. Since each feature is like a separate piece of LEGO, you can optimize according to real needs. With open interfaces, you can replace or add services and by using only True SaaS, (Software as a Service), you can be sure that you always run on the latest version and that capacity and performance are scaled automatically. In other words, you get a secure and sustainable solution today and tomorrow.

Would you like to know more? Norce provides scalable digital commerce for B2B and B2C companies that want to future-proof their e-commerce. If you want to learn more about Composable Commerce and how Norce can be a part of your commerce solution, please feel free to contact us.

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